St Martin’s School Fees Masthead Image - Desktop
St Martin’s School Fees Masthead Image - Mobile

Online Application Form

Please note that you will be required to upload a scanned copy of the following documents with this application form:

  • Certified copy of latest school report
  • Certified copy of child’s birth certificate
  • Certified copies of both parents’ ID documents
  • A reference from the previous school
  • Final fee statement from previous school
  • You will be required to submit three months’ bank statements and payslips to our Finance Office once the application has been received



Please insert N/A if single parent
1. To pay in advance, as per the selected option, all fees as laid down and as amended by the school from time to time;

"provided that:

1.1 Where the year’s tuition fees (i.e. for three terms in the calendar year) are paid in full by 31 December in the year preceding enrolment and where there are no arrears, a discount of 4.5% on the full year’s tuition will be awarded.

1.2 Where two terms tuition fees are paid in full by the first Friday of the Easter term or Trinity term and there are no arrears a discount of 2.0% will be awarded.

Parents/fee payers who wish to make use of option 1 or 2 need to have the full year’s fees calculated accurately by the credit controller before making payment.

2. To pay as soon as accounts are rendered in respect of all charges incurred on behalf of my child;

3. That invoices for fees not paid promptly on the stipulated date of payment will attract interest on such invoice at the maximum permissible rate in terms of the National Credit Act, 2005 (and as amended), and I shall be liable for all default charges and collection costs, which are permitted to be recovered in terms of the National Credit Act, 2005 (and as amended).

4. To give one full term’s notice in writing before withdrawing the child, and before any change from boarder to day-scholar status, or to pay a full term’s fees in lieu of such notice;

5. That, being the person/s responsible for the payment of fees to St Martin’s School in respect of the child named above, hereby authorise the Headmaster or his designated representative to refer at any time to my/our banker/s and/or credit rating agency for the purposes of obtaining a reference.



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Non-refundable registration fee of R100
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Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.