Headmaster's Lockdown Message
The past few weeks have been an overwhelming flurry of preparing ourselves and our children for the upcoming weeks of uncertainty. Grappling with distance learning has been an interesting challenge, for both our teachers and pupils, a challenge that everyone has embraced with great composure. And on occasions it’s even been fun!
As we enter the next phase of uncertainty, by going into a complete lock down, I would urge you all to be good citizens and cooperate with the measures that our President has put in place, not only to benefit our country but also to safeguard your own health and that of your family through the Corona Virus pandemic.
It was always going to be inconvenient and we will be tested in many ways, but life will eventually revert to normal, certainly a new normal as a result of what has been experienced and learnt during this time. We will certainly have learnt a great deal about delivering learning beyond the classroom space.
As yet, we don’t have firm dates to communicate for the upcoming Trinity term. At this stage, students will be required to return to school on Monday, 4 May and we may well need to shorten the half-term and the August holiday to accommodate lost classroom time.
The academic year will most certainly be affected, and we are doing our best to ensure that your child’s education is interrupted as little as possible for the remainder of the year.
I wish to extend my sincere thanks to you as parents, the staff and the students for your co-operation in facilitating the distance learning over the past two weeks. Learning will continue in this way until Thursday, 9 April, after which we will enjoy a well-deserved holiday.
May God bless us all, bless our country, it’s marginalized communities, our business communities, our health system and our leaders as they navigate us through this state of national disaster.
Be kind, be patient and stay healthy.
Thomas Hagspihl