Our Matrics of 2022 have produced a set of results to be proud of
Celebratory Breakfast
St Martin’s School shared the results of their Matric Class of 2022 at a celebratory breakfast attended by the students, their parents and staff at the new high school campus in The Hill. The three Top Achievers popped open the “champagne” as guests toasted the students to celebrate their results and wish them well for the start of their new journeys beyond the school gates.
Very proud of our Matrics of 2022
As a school, we are exceptionally proud to share with you the results of our Matric Class of 2022.
Our students, despite still experiencing the knock-on effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, fared very well in their examinations. It is always encouraging to see our students achieve well beyond their personal goals and expectations, and this year has been no different.
Our top achievers for 2022 are:
- Okeletsi Nyathi: 5 distinctions (English; Dramatic Arts; Life Sciences; Mathematics; Life Orientation)
- Mikael Baloyi: 5 distinctions (English; isiZulu; Life Sciences; Mathematics; Life Orientation)
- Lerato Ncube: 4 distinctions (English; Dramatic Arts; isiZulu; Life Orientation)
- Celeste-Zeta Moodley: 4 distinctions (English; Engineering Graphics and Design; Visual Art; Life Orientation)
While we are proud that of our 44 students, 43 passed (equating to a 97% pass rate), we are exceptionally proud of the fact that 84% of our students qualify to study a bachelor’s degree, and that 95% of our students qualify to study further. When one takes into consideration the fact that St Martin’s does not “gate-keep” and accepts students from all walks of life, despite academic ability, learning differences, or background, this is hugely impressive!
While it is important to celebrate our top achievers, it is equally important to celebrate every single student’s achievements. By and large, our students achieved their personal best compared to previous examinations. These students have every reason to be as proud of their results as our top achievers.
Another important statistic to consider is our school’s comparison to the IEB National Average – in other words, our average per subject compared to the entire cohort of IEB students who wrote that subject. Three of the subjects offered at St Martin’s – English, Dramatic Arts and Life Sciences – are above the National Average, which is no small feat! This is testament to the quality and expertise of the teachers employed at St Martin’s.
Finally, we would like to congratulate the Dramatic Arts Department. Of the 15 students who selected Dramatic Arts, 12 of them received a distinction, and no student obtained below 60% for the subject!
As we move forward into a new era at St Martin’s School, you have our assurance that we will continue to strive for the academic excellence that you have come to expect from the school. It is important to remember, though, that a student’s achievement and growth at school is not only measured by their examination results: in a recent article for the Daily Maverick, Mark Potterton reminds us that: “The single-minded focus on matric results undermines any chance of a broad and balanced education.” At St Martin’s School, we don’t just educate for the Matric finals, we educate for our students to become well-rounded, balanced young adults. Looking at our Matric Class of 2022, I can proudly say that we have achieved in this mission.
We wish to congratulate the Matric Class of 2022 for their outstanding results and look forward to seeing what these bright young minds achieve in their futures.
Warren Venter
Acting Headmaster
St Martin's School